Dr. Daas Hiba et Dr. Djemadi Imad ont récemment partagé leur expertise lors d'une session de formation dans le cadre du projet WE2 (Women Economic Empowerment) en partenariat avec World Learning Algeria WLA. 
WE2 s'engage à habiliter les femmes à initier des projets au sein de leurs communautés. 
La participation de nos deux experts à la session du design sprint qui a eu lieu le vendredi 26 avril 2024, visait à concevoir et mettre en œuvre des solutions pour résoudre les défis environnementaux auxquels la communauté d'Annaba est confrontée. 
Ensemble, nous pouvons créer un avenir durable et équitable pour nos communautés.

يعلن مركز البحث في البيئة عن قائمة الناجحين نهائيا في المسابقة على أساس الشهادة للالتحاق بسلك أساتذة البحث رتبة أستاذ بحث قسم ب بعنوان السنة المالية 2023 وهي مبينة في الملفات التالية و حسب جدول معاببر التنقيط





















يعلن مركز البحث في البيئة عن قائمة الناجحين نهائيا في المسابقة على أساس الشهادة للالتحاق بسلك أساتذة البحث رتبة أستاذ بحث قسم ب بعنوان السنة المالية 2023 وهي مبينة في الملف التالي 




We're thrilled to share the incredible success of the Inside National Startup Incubation and Acceleration Congress organized by Hedge Accelerator, in collaboration with the Environmental Research Center  (CRE) yesterday 20th of April 2024 in Seybous Hotel, where our very own Jujube Incubator played a pivotal role as co-organizer!
The event was nothing short of phenomenal, kicking off with a warm welcome from Mr. Othmane Rcahedi, the Director of Hedge Accelerator. Following that, we had the honor of hosting the Secretary General of the Annaba Wilaya, setting the tone for a day packed with insights and innovation. A special mention goes to Mr. Karim Brouri, entrepreneur, management researcher, and catalyst of entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems, for his enriching contribution.
Morning sessions were filled with enlightening conferences delving into the world of incubators, accelerators, and entrepreneurship, led by esteemed professionals such as the international expert Nicolas Colin founder of “The Family” and the founder of the Statups, “Wajeez ex FoodBeeper” Mr. Tourab Mohamed Salah, who shared invaluable entrepreneurial wisdom
The afternoon was equally engaging with hands-on workshops covering topics like incubators and accelerators, team building, and open innovation, sparking creativity and collaboration amongst participants.
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event a resounding success! 
Stay tuned for more updates and let's continue to foster innovation and growth together